What is the most powerful weapon in Osrs?
I'm playing Osrs and I'm wondering what the most powerful weapon in the game is. There are so many options and I want to make sure I'm using the best one. Can anyone tell me which weapon stands out as the strongest?

What is the most powerful weapon in ff12?
Could you elaborate on what you believe is the most formidable weapon in Final Fantasy XII? The game boasts a diverse arsenal of swords, spears, axes, staffs, and more, each with their unique strengths and weaknesses. Is it the sheer might of the greatswords that catches your eye? Or perhaps the elemental prowess of magical staves intrigues you? Maybe you favor the agility and speed of daggers or the ranged capabilities of bows and crossbows. In your opinion, which weapon stands out as the ultimate tool of destruction in Final Fantasy XII, and why?